Daddy Rick is preparing Brock as part of the next generation of tops
HETEROFLEXIBLE - Brock Banks has been dating silver fox Rick Kelson for some time now, but has never topped before. The thought had actually never crossed their minds before- not that it's ever been an issue. For one, Rick doesn't bottom, and that's been fine since Brock has been perfectly happy bottoming. However, Rick now realizes that this could be an opportunity for Brock to explore a new part of himself.Brock seems unsure- he's kind of liked being a bit of a 'daddy's boy' to Rick, no matter what their age difference is. But Rick just smiles and wraps his arm around his younger lover, telling him he has a brilliant idea that Brock is CERTAIN to like. What if they roleplayed Brock's first time topping as a sort of teaching moment? They could pretend that Rick is preparing Brock as part of the next generation of tops. Wouldn't that be fun?The roleplaying aspect seems to perk Brock up a bit- that DEFINITELY sounds kinky. If Rick's offering, then Brock's down. Later that day, the couple greets Gunnar Stone, a masculine and muscular man that Rick tracked down to be their bottom. Rick starts getting handsy with Gunnar, sensually instructing Brock on what it takes to deliver a good pounding. They have a steamy threesome, where Rick gives Brock the necessary training from top to bottom.